גוף-נפש-תודעה, תפיסת פריזמה

- We Feel, Therefore We Learn: The Relevance of Affective and Socia Neuroscience to Education. By Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Antonio Damasio (2007).
- The embodied brain: towards a radical embodied cognitive neuroscience. By Julian Kiverstein, Mark Miller (2015).
- Neuroscience and Well-Being. By Sanda Dolcos, Matthew Moore, & Yuta Katsumi (2018).
- Cortical and subcortical predictive dynamics and learning during perception, cognition, emotion and action – Stephen Grossberg (2009).
- Balance Across Contexts: Importance of Balanced Need Satisfaction Across Various Life Domains. By Marina Milyavskaya, Isabelle Gingras, Geneviève A. Mageau, Richard Koestner, Hugo Gagnon, Jianqun Fang, Julie Boiché. (2009).
- Moving along the mental number line: Interactions between whole-body motion and numerical cognition. By Hartmann, Matthias Grabherr, Luzia Mast, Fred W (2012).